Web Custom Controls 1.1 Press Release
June 18, 2012
For Immediate Release
Taylor Design Releases Web Custom Controls 1.1
Taylor Design has released Web Custom Controls 1.1 for Real Studio 2011 Web Edition. Web Custom Controls is a toolkit which enables Web Edition (WE) users to create new, client side web controls which are tightly integrated with the WE REALbasic layer. This toolkit includes 16 new, ready to use controls for WE applications.
Online demonstrations and purchasing options can be found at http://www.webcustomcontrols.com/
The following new features and changes have been made in the 1.1 release:
* New DynaTree tree view control.
* New CLEditor.Translation property for providing CLEditor with user text in different languages.
* Added support for using controls on WebContainers and WebDialogs which are created at runtime.
* Several bug fixes and minor improvements.
The following licenses are available:
* Single Developer License: $150
* Business License: $300
With either license there are no per site or application royalty fees. In addition, the full source code is included with each license. This provides the greatest benefit to licensed users who can use the examples provided to guide them in constructing their own controls.
Licenses include updates for one year from the date of purchase. Taylor Design is actively developing and testing additional controls to be released in future updates.
About Taylor Design
Taylor Design is a privately owned software shop located in southern California. Taylor Design specializes in custom and commercial software for the Mac OS and Windows platforms. Taylor Design also offers consulting and web site design services to businesses in the southern California area.
Web Custom Controls: http://www.webcustomcontrols.com/
Company Site: http://www.taylor-design.com/
E-mail: help@taylor-design.com